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5 Tips to Increase Motivation and Consistency

March 8, 2023

Here are some top tips to show up for yourself leading to increased motivation and consistent movement: Build a Routine Once your day starts, it can be truly difficult to set aside a time to workout. Things will keep popping up throughout the day. The best way to avoid this is to plan your workouts […]

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Evening Routine Tips:

February 23, 2023

Want to level up your evening routine? Creating a nighttime routine that works for you and leaves you ready for some ZZZ’s is extremely important! Here are some tips that will help you recharge and relax every single night! Indulge in Self Care Skincare at night is essential! Start out with a great cleanser, a […]

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February 3, 2023

Feeling bogged down by the weather? Staying in doesn’t have to be dreary! Check out how to make staying in fun with these at-home activities: 1. Spa Day: Want to spend your day in the ultimate state of relaxation? Try an at-home spa! Whether you do this for a full day or a few hours, […]

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Cardio or Weights First?

January 5, 2023

This is one of the most common questions clients ask me when they start to really mentally and physically get into the workout groove! Many people tend to alternate between the cardio and weights switching off day to day. But what happens when you combine both types of exercise into the same workout? Determining which […]

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Holiday Food Anxiety Tips

December 21, 2022

The holiday season (in my opinion) has some of the yummiest foods around! However, it can bring up feelings of food anxiety and stress for many people. It an be very difficult to indulge, while also listening to your body and its hunger cues. Whether you are home for the holidays or going from party […]

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My Daily Morning Routine

December 7, 2022

One thing I am asked a lot about is my morning routine and if I have one. Truly, my schedule is a bit different everyday. I strive for progress in my morning routine, and perfection isn’t an option. I try to commit to these non-negotiables regardless of what I have going on during the day. […]

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Personal Trainer vs. Group Fitness Instructor: Which is Better for You?

November 25, 2022

Not sure if you should be looking for a Group Fitness Instructor or a Personal Trainer? Your “why” should be the first question you answer. Why are you working out? What are your goals? Once you have your answer, you can delve into which individual is better for you! This article should give you guidance […]

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Why Wear Pilates/Barre socks?

November 3, 2022

Why should you wear Pilates socks, when going barefoot/wearing shoes has worked fine for Pilates and Barre? First off, wearing sneakers is not the way to go. It causes flooring and equipment to get scuffed up! More importantly, your toes are contained in the structure of the shoe. The movements of Pilates and Barre call […]

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September 16, 2022

Rest and recovery are so important, especially when working out multiple days per week. In this day and age, we all have such hectic schedules, and taking some time to take care of yourself and your body can be super beneficial! Taking a day to recover helps prevent injury as well as allowing your muscles […]

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5 Ways to Deal with Stress

September 2, 2022

Hate to say it, but as times evolve, the word “stress” seems to come out of most people’s mouths at some point or another. Prolonged stress can have serious effects on both physical and mental health. Tension can present itself in our bodies in a number of ways including digestive problems, headaches, and weakened immune […]

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Prioritizing Workout Recovery

August 19, 2022

Many of us are running day in and day out! Taking care of yourself post-workout is extremely important. Taking 1-2 days a week off is needed to help prevent injury and allows your muscles proper time to repair themselves and rest. If your body is screaming at you that you need to take a day […]

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Best Multivitamin for Women

July 15, 2022

Garden of Life Vitamin Code for Women and Women 50 and Wiser is my top pick for a Women’s Multivitamin. The Women’s Multivitamin is for active women during reproductive years and the 50 and Wiser is for 50 and up! They both will help to optimize health and energy! Vitamin Code is a comprehensive whole […]

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